
Appeal to Waive Full-time
Enrollment Requirement

To receive certain state financial aid awards, a student must be enrolled at least full time in degree pursuant courses, which are courses required for completion of the student’s academic program. Because students are encouraged to take college courses and AP courses while in high school, many students enter college with college credits and may find it impossible to take enough college credits toward their degree programs to be full time within a term.

The state financial aid programs requiring full-time enrollment are WV Promise Scholarship; West Virginia Higher Education Grant; Engineering, Science and Technology Scholarship; and Underwood-Smith Teaching Scholars program. Some programs also require completing a set number of credits to renew. Please visit www.collegeforwv.com for details about each aid program.

If there are not enough college courses offered during a term toward your degree program to be full time, you may appeal to have the full-time requirement to receive an award waived and the credit hour renewal criterion waived for one term for the above listed programs.

If you are in your final year of WV Promise Scholarship eligibility, you are not required to enroll full time to receive the award and would not need to complete this appeal unless you are eligible for one or more of the other programs.

Appeal Steps:

  1. Complete Request to Appeal by clicking button above. Only complete the highlighted fields. Once finished, click Complete. Close the browser after submission; you do not need to log into airSlate.
  2. Email will be sent to the email address you enter on the request form from WVColleges via airSlate <noreply@airslate.com> to complete the Appeal to Waive Full-time Enrollment Requirement. Please check your inbox and junk folder. If you do not receive this email after 30 minutes, you may have mis-entered your email address and should complete the Request to Appeal again.
  3. Click button in email to electronically complete the Appeal to Waive Full-time Enrollment Requirement. Only complete the highlighted fields. Once finished, click Complete. Close the browser after submission; you do not need to log into airSlate.
  4. Appeal will be electronically sent to the institution you enter in your Request to Appeal. The appeal will first be reviewed by your institution. It may take several weeks for your appeal to be fully processed once it is submitted.
  5. Notification of appeal decision will be sent to you from WVColleges via airSlate <noreply@airslate.com>.

If approved:

Your award amount may require adjustment based on your tuition and mandatory fee charges and/or enrollment. Adjustments are required as follows:

  • WV Higher Education Grant will be pro-rated based on your enrollment status and financial need as determined by your institution’s financial aid office up to $2,550 for a student attending three-quarters time, $1,700 for half time, or $850 for less than half time per term for the 2024-25 academic year.
  • WV Promise Scholarship will pay toward tuition and mandatory fees up to $2,750 per term for the 2024-25 academic year.
  • WV STEM Scholarship will be prorated to up to $1,125 for a student attending three-quarters time, $750 for half time, or $375 for less than half time per term.
  • Underwood-Smith Teaching Scholars awards will be prorated to up to $3,750 for a student attending three-quarters time, $2,500, or $1,250 for less than half time per term.

The award will count as a semester of utilization toward the maximum number of available semesters.

For the program(s) you are requesting a waiver, you must have been awarded, be in good academic standing and, if the award is a renewal, be meeting renewal requirements, to be considered. If your enrollment changes to full time or your program eligibility status changes, your approval will automatically be rescinded.

If denied:

You will not be eligible for the above-listed state financial aid program(s). However, you may be able to adjust your registration to enroll in full-time, degree pursuant courses and keep the award(s). You should work with the financial aid office and/or academic advisor at your institution.

Please contact our office at 304-558-4618 or wvfinancialaid@wvhepc.edu or your institution’s financial aid office if you have questions.
